As talent shortages challenge IT Departments, many companies are searching for more effective ways to execute software development projects. Several executives have turned to nearshoring to Mexico for resource solutions. One of the most impactful trends of the post-COVID world is the power of nearshore software development.
The early results are impressive. Prior to the Pandemic, Gartner noted that Nearshoring offered agile software development alternatives and provided several recommendations for how to leverage this trend.
Recently, award-winning public speaker Aminu Abdullahi cited increased flexibility, responsiveness, and improved communication, making all the difference in project success. He outlined the pros and cons on CIO Insight. By choosing nearshoring over other outsourcing models, companies can have faster turnaround times and more control over project quality without sacrificing price.
Here are 5 ways your enterprise can benefit from nearshore software development:
1) Increased Scalability:
The Post COVID impacts have included massive supply chain issues and talent shortage, yet a recession is looming, and most companies are concerned about the risk to their business if they staff-up now to meet demand and then face recessionary lay-offs. Hiring a company that has nearshore development expertise can increase both project completion and digital innovation initiatives
2) Greater Security for Intellectual Property:
For decades, Offshoring has been known to create intellectual property challenges and increased risk. The annual cost of this risk is more than $225 billion.

3) Lower Cost Resources:
The primary reason companies choose Nearshore versus in-house software development is cost-effectiveness as it provides increased value through lower costs, with less risk than offshore solutions. Ultimately, nearshoring can save tens of thousands of dollars on a single project or hundreds of thousands per year.

4) Time Zone Alignment:
An often-overlooked benefit is time zone alignment. To leverage offshore resources, US-based IT teams have to work late at night to attend collaboration calls with their India-based counterparts. Nearshore software development limits time zone ranges to 3 hours each way, making it easier for teams to manage projects collaboratively.

5) Language and Culture:
Delays and setbacks are a natural part of any project. However, these can be exacerbated by culture and language barriers. Development teams that leverage nearshore solutions have found team collaboration is enhanced due to familiarity of cultural norms and the ability to limit miscommunication.