Asinpa LLC

Digital Transformation Trends

5 Digital Transformation Trends That Will Affect Your Business Value

Reading Time: 6 minutes

With the effects of COVID still causing concern, a recession looming, and disruptions being highlighted in just about every newsfeed, enterprises of all sizes are anticipating/dreading what lies ahead in 2023. More than any other area, technology is in the crosshairs for upheaval with new digital transformation trends.

Pundits, prognosticators, and purveyors of pertinent propaganda have all filed their stories and this has encouraged the software experts at Asinpa – a voice of reason in an echo chamber of concern – to weigh in on what businesses can do to not only survive but thrive in 2023.

Whatever technology changes occur in 2023, digital transformation trends will most likely be involved. If your company is thinking about getting a jump start on the overriding trend, click here for a no-obligation consultation with Asinpa.

Business Trend Spotters See 5 Big Ones in 2023

Forbes is one of the most respected business publications in the world. Its editors and writers recently presented their annual predictions for business trends in 2023. It’s no surprise what trend is at the top of the list. 

Accelerated Digital Transformation

The magazine notes, “To prepare for this, businesses must ensure they embed the right technology throughout their processes and in every area of operations. More effective sales and marketing, better customer service, more efficient supply chains, products and services that are more aligned with customer needs, and streamlined manufacturing processes are all on the table, and in 2023, the barriers to accessing them will be lower than ever.”

As the founder and CEO of Asinpa, Gustavo (Tavo) Vasconcelos, has seen many trends come and go, but the implementation of an effective digital transformation strategy has had a greater impact on his clients than almost anything else. This will continue in 2023.

“We have been discussing the critical need for digital transformation for several years,” he said. “Asinpa can assist with the digital transformation by implementing the technology upgrades to their systems and introducing integrations and automation whenever possible to reduce manual work and unnecessary errors.”

Supply Chain Security

The experts at Forbes say, “Many industries are still plagued by supply chain issues that emerged during the global shutdowns caused by Covid-19 and have only got worse due to the war in Ukraine. To combat this and stay afloat, companies need to improve their resilience in any way that they can. This means reducing exposure to volatile market pricing of commodities, as well as building protective measures into supply chains to deal with shortages and rising logistical costs.”

As noted in this article, from 2022, “Asinpa’s approach to helping clients overcome supply chain issues is a predictable, measurable, and fully transparent process that guides the company’s agile software development approach. Asinpa’s application development service builds custom, innovative solutions deployed through the cloud or on-premises that deliver best-in-class applications to support critical business processes.”

Asinpa’s Managing partner of Mexico Operations, Jose Lizarraga, suggests these questions should be asked before designing a custom software solution for clients.

  • How Are Their Business Policies and Compliance?
  • How Are Their Purchase and Reception Processes? 
  • How Are Their Internal Inventory Processes? 
  • How Do They Identify Their Products and Classify Their Inventory? 

IT Security Will Be Critical

According to this source,

“Almost 100% of IT experts are concerned about data security over the next 12 months, with 43% saying they are very concerned or extremely concerned. And many of them are worried about the safety of their email systems. They are worried about:

  • Threat of ransomware attack — 65%
  • Increase in spoofing and/or phishing attacks — 60%
  • Receiving dangerous files/attachments — 47%
  • Training employees to prevent email attacks — 37%
  • Losing money related to business email compromise — 25%
  • Loss of emails/data — 21%

How can Asinpa help with the challenge? Tavo notes, “IT security is a ‘never ending’ project. We have helped clients improve their security posture by ensuring that their software is up to date with ‘The Open Web Application Security Project’ (OWASP) and ‘Static Applications Security Testing’ (SAST) scans. 

“It is very common for development teams to leave code unfinished with a typical ‘TO-DO’ comment within the code as a placeholder to improve it. It is also common to see third-party software aging and then – SURPRISE – there is a reported vulnerability on a version that is many years old. We can guide clients to implement best practices and we can also help them execute.”


Forbes points to a fourth trend, “In 2023, companies need to make sure that their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) processes are moved to the center of their strategy. This should start with measuring the impact any business is having on society and the environment and then move to increase transparency, reporting, and accountability.”

“There are many ways to tackle sustainability from an IT perspective,” Tavo notes.  “One of the simplest ways is to look at computing resources and the amount of energy needed to keep the infrastructure running. Moving from on-premises to the cloud and right-sizing the computing resource to automatically minimize and spike when needed, is a good way to contribute to sustainability. Asinpa can help transition legacy software to the next-generation cloud platform.”

The Talent Challenge

Retaining talented workers is another challenge that will continue in 2023. Forbes notes, “Over the past year, we have seen huge movements of talented people, referred to as The Great Resignation and quiet quitting, as workers reassessed the impact of work and what they want to get out of their lives. This has put pressure on employers to ensure they are providing attractive careers, the flexibility of hybrid work, and an enticing work environment and company culture.”

“Workers, particularly younger workers, expect the technology tools to make their jobs more efficient. Dealing with human capital management (HCM) issues are no longer the exclusive job of the HR team. Keeping talent is a concern for the entire enterprise. Innovative, custom software can help reduce this frustration that caused many workers to look elsewhere.

“As for our team at Asinpa, keeping talent has not been an issue, despite all of the turbulent times. Don’t get me wrong, ‘not being an issue’ doesn’t mean it’s not hard to retain the right latent. We’ve worked hard at hiring and retaining the right people.

“We believe people want to work at a place where they add value, they can grow, and they are recognized, both from a kudos perspective as well as compensation. Managers often settle when hiring and those hires are either a drag for the company, or they leave soon after getting hired, as it’s never the right fit.”

Asinpa Can Help You Navigate 2023 Digital Transformation Trends

What will 2023 hold for your company? If any of these 5 digital transformation trends might affect how your enterprise,” contact us to discuss how Asinpa can help.

Digital Transformation Roadmap
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